
GIS to Human Translation Services

I remember in a previous job, I had to travel 2000kms on two flights to spend three nights in our Alberta head office to, in the end, act as a translator between a forester and a GIS resource. Although there was an ethnic difference, it was clear that the information gap was caused by the […]

Python Geospatial Development Published

Will Cadell was recently a technical reviewer on the latest edition of Python Geospatial Development. Go check it out on amazon here   Here’s the brief:   Geospatial development links your data to places on the Earth’s surface. Writing geospatial programs involves tasks such as grouping data by location, storing and analyzing large amounts of […]

Using Prepared Geometries in Shapely

Shapely is a great tool for the geospatial developer. With Shapely it is possible to run PostGIS-like operations on non-PostGIS geometries. This can keep your python code looking smooth and consistent. In my experience it can also go rocket fast in certain applications. One of those applications is where you are using the same geometry […]