google maps

Display Big Data with Google Maps

Displaying Big Data On A Google Map There are two key features of web mapping. The first is that the interface is resources constrained: it is a browser. The second is that generally you are expected to be able to drive as much data and functionality to that browser as you would expect on […]

Geographic Storytelling Resources

Many stories include places: stories of holidays, stories of adventure, stories of science. Maps are a great way to share stories, but often technology can be a barrier because making maps can be pretty awkward. Especially if yoiur not comfortable writing code, or have a ready steady hand. Thankfully […]

Google Maps Labelling

Labels, a mapping element well used in the GIS / cartography community which is surprisingly little used in the geoweb community. They can add a great deal of explanation to the mapping interface. Instead of explicitly explaining each point, it is done for me on the map. Nice! There is no real default option […]