Use Flatgeobuf in react-map-gl
In this post, we expand on moving beyond the maplibre example in Flatgeobuf to writing a custom source component using react-map-gl.
In this post, we expand on moving beyond the maplibre example in Flatgeobuf to writing a custom source component using react-map-gl.
Using React Hooks to build a Mapbox GL React Function Component.
This is a quick note on how to map images in a directory purely from their exif files. An exif file is one which contains the meta data of the image. If the image was taken by a phone of GPS enabled camera, then a location will also be contained within that file. To read […]
GeoJSON is a great format, easy to read/view/use but one thing that really stands out is the verbosity of numbers and its effects on file size. Yeah in rare cases it “may” be needed but I’m pretty sure a length that is precise to, well less than a millimeter (example: stream length: 6849.41980435 meters) is […]