
Startup IP

As we have been building our Maptiks product, our viewpoint on IP has changed significantly. This is a post about our IP journey to date. Firstly, consider that its not about you. At Sparkgeo, in our journey with Maptiks my opinion on Intellectual Property (IP) has changed significantly. My initial reaction was “who cares?” We […]

Beware the Echo Chamber

There is a concept of spatial auto-correlation in GIS (Geographic Information Systems). This is a measure of the degree to which a set of spatial features and their associated data values tend to be clustered together in space (reference). So in small words: similar things tend to hang out together. This is often true of […]

Better Web Maps with Map Analytics

Analytics are a great tool for monitoring and reporting on website traffic and user interactions. It is reasonablely expected that, as a web developer I will use analytics to better understand my users and deliver them with incrementally improving services and experiences. At Sparkgeo we build web maps. We have been doing this for half a […]


I love #startupdrinkspg. Shauna Harper and I started startupdrinksPG, on a whim 6 months ago. Its a simple concept, a meetup concerned with technology and business with drinks. There is no sponsorship, there is no pretense and there is no adgenda. Noone is selling anything and its a great opportunity to throw out an idea and […]