
Building a US Census Tracts PostGIS Database

This article shows how you (yes, you!) can build your very own US Census Tracts PostGIS database. I had looked over the interwebs for some time under the false assumption that someone, somewhere would have already done this, but it seems not. So this article documents my process. I am running a mac, so some […]

Python Geospatial Development Published

Will Cadell was recently a technical reviewer on the latest edition of Python Geospatial Development. Go check it out on amazon here   Here’s the brief:   Geospatial development links your data to places on the Earth’s surface. Writing geospatial programs involves tasks such as grouping data by location, storing and analyzing large amounts of […]

Using Prepared Geometries in Shapely

Shapely is a great tool for the geospatial developer. With Shapely it is possible to run PostGIS-like operations on non-PostGIS geometries. This can keep your python code looking smooth and consistent. In my experience it can also go rocket fast in certain applications. One of those applications is where you are using the same geometry […]

Sparkgeo and Google Maps

At sparkgeo we build next generation web mapping applications. That means we need to consider the mapping application from conception to delivery, from database to user expeirnce. Because we usually get to choose which mapping fabric we leverage, we will usually choose Google Maps. We use Google Maps for almost any public facing web mapping […]

GDAL and OGR Clipping [Hack]

Today I had to clip a raster image by 102,000 polygon features. With out doubt this task demanded automation. I decided to try my hand at python coding using the excellent GDAL library. I had this great idea that i could do the whole thing nicely in GDAL, but i was foiled by time (or […]

Manage your Mobile Workforce [Workshop]

Learn about how to manage your mobile workforce using Google Maps Coordinate. Will from sparkgeo will be giving a workshop on this technology on March 19th. Sign up here   Here is some more info on the technology:   Tags:google mapsmappingtechnology Comments var disqus_config = function () { = ”; = ”; } var […]

Making Maps

Maps are used everyday. We use them for navigation; we use them for planning; we use them for visualizing and comparing places. We take them largely for granted. More so we take their content for granted. “Well, of course it’s right…!?” The thing is, the world is always changing, and often maps don’t keep up. […]


I love #startupdrinkspg. Shauna Harper and I started startupdrinksPG, on a whim 6 months ago. Its a simple concept, a meetup concerned with technology and business with drinks. There is no sponsorship, there is no pretense and there is no adgenda. Noone is selling anything and its a great opportunity to throw out an idea and […]