Congratulations, you successfully installed quick-map!
Sometimes a map needs a conversation; sometimes a conversation needs a map. Either way, maps and chats just make sense.
Now, you can make a map the easy way, right in Slack.
The quick-map slash command uses Mapbox Static Images and Geocoding APIs to convert an address or pair of coordinates into a simple map.
Here are some commands to get you started:
/quick-map Taj Mahal
/quick-map Canada
/quick-map Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco
/quick-map 10 Downing Street, London
/quick-map 2.294531,48.858081
/quick-map 131.036111,-25.345
Once you’ve started the mapping process by entering the slash command, you can refine the map in the dialog box, including choosing a refined address, zoom level, and map type.

When you’re satisfied with your map, click ‘Send to Channel’ to post the map to your Slack channel, and start the conversation!
You can find more help with:
/quick-map help
Or, visit our support page, here.
Contact our developers at [email protected]