Sparkgeo’s Design Principles
Have you ever got a really good piece of life advice from your dad? Something along the lines of Good intentions matter, but your actions will define you.That’s basically what a design principle is, but instead of your dad, it’s a designer. And instead of advice about life, it’s about the thing you’re building. We…
Featured Series
Planetary Scale 1
Innovation strategy for unsettled markets and planets This is the first in a series of posts accompanying Will Cadell’s keynote for the GeoIgnite Conference, Winter Geo 2022. My…
Planetary Scale 2
Innovation strategy for unsettled markets and planets This is the second in a series of posts accompanying Will Cadell’s keynote for the GeoIgnite Conference, Winter Geo 2022. COMPLEMENTARY…
Planetary Scale 3
Innovation strategy for unsettled markets and planets This is the third in a series of posts accompanying Will Cadell’s keynote for the GeoIgnite Conference, Winter Geo 2022. PATTERNS…