Asset Assumptions & Diligence
With new EU regulations there is a need to discover and map assets, then assess their climate related risks and impacts. The problem is, most companies will fall at the first hurdle: asset discovery.
With new EU regulations there is a need to discover and map assets, then assess their climate related risks and impacts. The problem is, most companies will fall at the first hurdle: asset discovery.
I recently had the opportunity to attend two enlightening conferences: N51 and ARD. Both revolved around the complex and diverse realm of geospatial data. While each had its unique perspective, they shared a central theme: the potential and importance of geospatial data and time.
When we think about open innovation, it is easy to think we mean sharing everything. That is not quite the idea. For me, open innovation is sharing the common load. Let’s dig into that idea a little as we investigate open source technology, geospatial and the power of open innovation. Some things are hard. Hard …
The first thing we do is focus on the problem, then we deliver our advice with an ability to back our words up with code.
Making a map may be a daily activity for many, but thinking about why we do something and whether that activity is fit for purpose differentiates those who are thinking strategically about what impact they are having.
The Sparkgeo team received an early Christmas gift. We are ludicrously excited to be working with the Woods Hole Research Center on the creation of their Carbon Source experience.
A short example of CartoCSS class-based line rendering. CartoCSS is everywhere it seems. Well, it’s in Mapbox Studio and CartoDB, as well as whatever hand rolled option you choose. (However it is not geoserver CSS, though it looks somewhat similar). I used CartoCSS to render the below image. It’s a nordic ski map and has a […]
Today, Sparkgeo became a CartoDB certified partner. As a celebration we built an awesome cartodb powered trail map! Yay!
I love technology. I get wowed by amazing new computing platforms, new technology experiences, new ideas about how to interact with machines and computers. I get thoroughly dazzled by how clever people are and how the right group of people can create the most amazing things. But technology is like the weather in Scotland; wait a […]
Scale has taken on a completely new meaning for me. In my training and early career, scale referred to a conversion measurement indicating a comparison between a measurement on a paper map and a measurement in the real world. The big ‘thing’ about GIS was that it was scale-less; you could zoom in as much […]