
Startup IP

As we have been building our Maptiks product, our viewpoint on IP has changed significantly. This is a post about our IP journey to date. Firstly, consider that its not about you. At Sparkgeo, in our journey with Maptiks my opinion on Intellectual Property (IP) has changed significantly. My initial reaction was “who cares?” We […]

Technology is Great, but Invest in Data

I love technology. I get wowed by amazing new computing platforms, new technology experiences, new ideas about how to interact with machines and computers. I get thoroughly dazzled by how clever people are and how the right group of people can create the most amazing things. But technology is like the weather in Scotland; wait a […]

Scale in a Time of Web Maps

Scale has taken on a completely new meaning for me. In my training and early career, scale referred to a conversion measurement indicating a comparison between a measurement on a paper map and a measurement in the real world. The big ‘thing’ about GIS was that it was scale-less; you could zoom in as much […]

Beware the Echo Chamber

There is a concept of spatial auto-correlation in GIS (Geographic Information Systems). This is a measure of the degree to which a set of spatial features and their associated data values tend to be clustered together in space (reference). So in small words: similar things tend to hang out together. This is often true of […]

Mapping Exif Files

This is a quick note on how to map images in a directory purely from their exif files. An exif file is one which contains the meta data of the image. If the image was taken by a phone of GPS enabled camera, then a location will also be contained within that file. To read […]

Encoding GeoJSON Geometry

GeoJSON is a great format, easy to read/view/use but one thing that really stands out is the verbosity of numbers and its effects on file size.  Yeah in rare cases it “may” be needed but I’m pretty sure a length that is precise to, well less than a millimeter (example: stream length: 6849.41980435 meters) is […]

Step Up Your Raster Handling Skills

It is not uncommon for raster data to be large and unruly. Creating tiles is one way to deal with these large datasets and speed up rendering. This post introduces a few handy tools for dealing with raster data while walking through the process of combining multiple raster files to create tiles for a super-overlay […]

Just Listen

In consulting you really have only one thing: the ability to identify problems. Sure, you may be a UI rockstar or have some mad statistics skills, and perhaps thats why you think your clients call you. Without being able to tease out the real problem, however you will likely not satisfy your clients demands […]

Dissecting a Web Mapping Application

When talking with clients there is always a turning point in my mind where their request turns from being a “Google Map” to being a “web mapping application”. It is usually where data is being filtered, updataed, or when ‘users’ are mentioned. This a pivotal point where the project both gets more interesting, a lot […]